Save Over 50% on Our Personal Wellness
BrainTap Sessions Bundle

Achieve Your Best Life with this Exclusive Offer*

*Requires Annual Subscription for Full Savings.

Tap into your best self — effortlessly

What if you could restore your brain’s natural balance so you can feel optimally relaxed, rebooted and revitalized anytime, anywhere—in as little as 20 minutes a day?
Unlike programs that merely calm or soothe, our premier product, BrainTap™, uses an exclusive neuro-algorithm scientifically proven to help you achieve perfectly balanced brainwave states — resulting in optimal, integrated function of body and mind.

Choose the Plan that Works Best For You

Start sleeping better, feeling less stressed out, and more mentally focused and energetic, starting today


Save $10 Per Month Over Regular Price
$ 19
89 Per Month
  • Exclusive Savings on our Personal Wellness Bundle (Regulary $29.99/Mo.)
  • 170+ Personal Wellness Sessions


Save Even More!
$ 199
Per Year
  • Exclusive Savings on our Personal Wellness Bundle (Regularly $360/Year)
  • 170+ Personal Wellness Sessions
Available On

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Elevate your BrainTap Experience
The BrainTap bluetooh headset uses unique frequencies of light and sound to produce incomparable brain fitness. Level up your sessions and order it now!

Our Exclusive Personal Wellness BrainTap™ Sessions Bundle

Whether you’re looking to improve your relationships, increase your physical health, build a positive mindset, or overcome chronic pain naturally, Brain Health Sciences is here to help guide you on your wellness journey. We deeply believe that a healthy brain unlocks your full potential, no matter what your pursuit or passion, and we’re passionate about providing you with the very latest, scientifically-proven products to help you reach your goals.

We’re thrilled to share over 170 BrainTap™ sessions specifically chosen by our team at Brain Health Sciences to help you achieve your personal best, in one amazing subscription. With no previous experience required, you’ll take your first steps into brain entrainment and as you go deeper, you’ll begin to master the stressors and other mental challenges holding you back in pursuing your life’s passions. Reduce stress and anxiety, get more restful and recuperative sleep, increase your mental focus and clarity, and ultimately, be your best self.

These Are the BrainTap Sessions Included